
Bespoke family dwelling in Conservation Area, Hertfordshire
A full planning application for the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a replacement 6 bedroom dwelling, with associated landscaping and access within the Outer Loudwater Conservation Area. The client’s key objectives were to deliver a bespoke, prestigious residential retreat whilst preserving the local characteristics of the Conservation Area and neighbouring amenity.
What we did
To enable the client to realise the site’s full development potential, a full planning application for a replacement 6 bedroom dwelling maximising developable floor space was submitted, supported by a Planning and Heritage Statement to justify the scheme. Further advice on the planning drawings, technical studies and planning conditions was provided and a presentation in support of the scheme given at Planning Committee. Following Members’ approval, full planning permission was issued.
What we achieved
By understanding the site’s physical constraints and the planning policy context of the location, in particular the heritage considerations of the Conservation Area, a successful application was submitted and a deliverable permission secured.