
Luton Airport
Obtaining full planning permission for a new 171-bedroom hotel, with associated guest amenities including fitness centre and rooftop bar at Airport Way, Luton on behalf of Molo Hotel Group
What we did
Management of the planning application process from start to finish. This included demonstrating the need and demand for the hotel and the suitability of the location in planning terms through the preparation and submission of a bespoke Sequential and Needs Assessment.
What we achieved
Through the production of the Sequential and Needs Assessment as well as efficient project management, we were able to work pro-actively and productively with the Council to reach an excellent outcome for both the client and the Council. We presented on behalf of the client at the virtual planning committee, responding to the questions raised by Councillors. The application was approved unanimously by the Members. This work will therefore enable the delivery of a modern and exciting lifestyle brand hotel to serve the needs of Luton, and in particular Luton Airport, in the coming years.
Molo Hotel Group
“Molo Hotels appointed Neil as planning consultant to assist with the delivery of their second hotel at Luton Airport. Neil’s skill, understanding and collaborative approach ensured a problem free journey through the planning process.”
Andrew Ross
Project Director